November 6, 2005: First 235 Fall Fest
Spring Blast  |
5-29-05: Epic Sail  |  11-06-05: Fall Day  | 06 March Madness  | December Pics  | Dec Pics II  | Launch |  Trailer

Another great Fall Sunday off Wrightsville Beach. This day just kept getting better, becoming a solid 12-15knts.  
Within an hour, there were more sailboats out then on even a busy summer's day.  After the shots below, We all
together for a 4 mile drag race.  Among the boats:  J24, C&C 30, Pearson 33, Hunter 31,  San Juan 28,  Island Packet 32, 
and a C&C 34. The shots below are relatively in sequence.  I had to give ole Andy a couple of vigorous "crow caws" second
from the bottom just to get his goat.   The weekend brought two 7 hour sailing days.   Nothing like the fall....

Shots courtesy of Andy Weaver - C&C 30, XICA  ~ Many of these are 1400-1600px wide.

November 5, 05: Fall Fest
Spring Blast  |
5-29-05: Epic Sail  |  11-05-05: Fall Day  | 06 March Madness  |  December Pics  | Dec Pics II  | Launch |  Trailer